Applied Digital Media and Printing

Applied Digital Media and Printing
Program provides you with technical knowledge and industry skills in preparation for a wide variety of careers in graphic design, graphic communications, visual technology, and commercial printing.
Contact Us
*Please direct general inquiries to your educational advisor
Educational Advisor
Anthony Escalera
(951) 222-8557
Tech A 101
Faculty Advisor
Patrick Scullin
(951) 222-8583
Tech B 103
Basic Graphic Communication CE
Major Units 20 |
Typical Time to Completion 1 year |
Program Map |
Basic Graphic Design CE
Major Units 17 |
Typical Time to Completion 1 year |
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Electronic Publishing and Design CE
Major Units 17 |
Typical Time to Completion 1 year |
Program Map |
Graphic Design and Digital Media AS
Major Units 33 |
Typical Time to Completion 1-1.5 years |
Program Map |
Graphic Design and Printing AS
Major Units 34 |
Typical Time to Completion 1.5 years |
Program Map |
Motion Graphics and 3D Animation CE
Major Units 17 |
Typical Time to Completion 1 year |
Program Map |
If you are interested in technical trades, you can explore other instructional pathways in Advanced Technical Arts and Trades.