ÃÛÌÒÉç RCC's Peer Online Course Review Process

Peer Online Course Review (POCR) was established in 2014 by the CVC-OEI Professional Development Workgroup to ensure that students in the California Community College system have access to high-quality online courses designed to support student learning and success. This process is voluntary and separate from department instructional evaluations.

The CVC-OEI and @ONE have support staff who assist Local POCR Teams who conduct the reviews. These Teams are faculty lead and supported by District DE.

The CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric is used by the Local POCR Team to review a course for alignment with the course design guidelines in content presentation, substantive interactions, assessments, and accessibility.


Goals and Benefits

  1. Serve as a positive professional development experience for new and experienced online faculty.
  2. Lead to more engaging and satisfactory online experiences for both instructors and students.
  3. Improve the quality of all courses taught by faculty participants
  4. Improve success, retention, and equity outcomes in online courses.
  5. Result in OEI-Rubric aligned, "Quality Reviewed" course badging from Riverside City College in the CVC Exchange.

After Completion

Upon completion of the RCC POCR Process, faculty will earn:

  1. The POCR Aligned badge. POCR ThumbnailThis badge signifies the course has been peer reviewed for outstanding quality and represents excellent instructional course design in alignment with the CVC-OEI Online Course Design Rubric.
  2. Quality Badging on their course in the CVC-OEI exchange.
  3. RCCD certification for online teaching.


The RCC POCR process is overseen by the RCC Distance Education Committee, a sub-committee of the Academic Senate. The team is currently completing its pilot stage and is comprised of  POCR-trained faculty reviewers. Faculty receive support from the POCR Lead and two anonymous reviewers. 

Review and Approval Process

The following draft pilot process has been adapted from Santa Monica College and is in review for final recommendation by the RCC Distance Education Committee.

Complete the recommended review of the Then, complete a shell (must log in with your Canvas login). We want you to be successful and prepared. You will want to meet with the DE Office designers and developers if you need assistance aligning your course content before applying for POCR review.

Complete the following form no later than the end of Week 2 of the semester you wish to be reviewed in.

POCR-trained and certified RCC faculty review the course using the CVC-OEI Design Rubric. Reviewers provide supportive feedback and recommendations to help with course alignment while respecting discipline pedagogies and teaching styles.

Faculty member reviews and implements feedback and recommendations for alignment into their course site. 

The POCR review committee completes a final review of the changes and updates implemented by the faculty member.

The RCC POCR Lead Faculty member provides the course and faculty information to the CVC for Quality Badging on the CVC Exchange. 


This process is faculty-led and supported by the RCCD DE Office. The POCR Team comprises RCC DE Committee faculty members who have been trained and certified in POCR through the CVC-OEI. Faculty submitting courses for review will receive support and feedback from members of the POCR Team. In addition, Distance Education staff members will provide course shell, template, and design support.



RCC POCR Pilot Process




Complete recommended review of Design Rubric, Self-Review, and alignment check with Distance Education designers and developers


Complete a form to submit your pre-aligned course for POCR Team Review.


POCR Review
POCR trained and certified faculty review the course using the Course Design Rubric and provide feedback and recommendations for alignment.


Faculty Updates/Revision
Faculty member reviews and implements committee feedback, recommendations, and comments.


Final POCR Review
POCR committee completes a final view of the changes, updates, recommendations implemented by the faculty member.


CVC Quality Badging
Local POCR committee lead provides the course and faculty information to CVC for Quality Badging on the CVC Exchange.